"O'Brien has crafted an edge-of-your-seat tale with a vivid, dramatic presence in this debut historical thriller. ...strong, engaging characters ...The finely tuned combination of war chronicle, mystery, folklore, adventure, and romance makes this a novel that will appeal to a wide audience." —The US Review of Books (RECOMMENDED)
"brims with ... political intrigue, folk-magic and romance. Part rural history, part murder-mystery, and part coming-of-age narrative, the story makes excellent use of historical context and local legend. Clochán’s dialogue provides humour and richness to its characters.
...is emotionally honest...brutal, comedic and intimate." —Blueink Reviews
"A vivid, gut-wrenching and charming historical thriller that captures a man’s coming of age in early (nineteenth) century Ireland... Neal's journey is well-worth taking."
“O’Brien’s opening is strong and visceral in its depiction of the mayhem of war, and the chapters that follow maintain a persistent suspense. ...With polished prose and crackling dialogue, he draws deep on the culture and character of his milieu. ...An accomplished historical novel of mystery and coming of age in a divided Ireland.” —Booklife Reviews
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The Author
Lawrence was raised across from a hill shadowing Black Rapids Creek in Ottawa, Canada. The towering toboggan hill fed an early appetite for challenge, tall tales and doing the impossible. The black forested river valley set his dreams.
He spends his days as a Systems Analyst and Technical Architect for Security and Intelligence concerns. The days long past in another life as sailor, hard rock miner, surveyor, logger and even a carpenter influence his writings. His debut novel "CLOCHÁN", which was published in the Fall of 2021, will be followed by "WRIGHTS". The release of the latter is scheduled for 2022.